welcome to iuvantium

a precision immunology company

our name is based on the Latin word “iuvare” [i̯u:vare] – to help, aid


in vaccines a key functional ingredient is the “adjuvant”

from “adiuvo” [ˈäd̪juvo] “I help, assist”

iuvantium mundum – “helping the world”


A world in which we can treat, cure, and protect everyone from disease and become stronger, together.


At iuvantium, we’re spearheading the fight against the looming crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). By blending cutting-edge material science, translational immunology, and ML/AI, we’re engineering precision immunology to enable the next generation of vaccines and therapeutics.


We believe in people and that all deserve the best possible treatment to live, thrive and do good.


Great isn’t just good enough. We do our best work when we excel as a team.


Nana korobi, ya oki – “Fall down seven times, stand up 8.”


We build trust through responsible actions and honest relationships.


We are convinced that collaboration is the key to true innovation.


Innovation = Invention  x Commercialization


We embrace the infinite game – we always take the long view.


The Tide is Turning - Antibiotics Were Effective - Till Now

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) could wipe out 2 years of global life expectancy



2 years by 2035 amounts to

25% of the only 8 years we gained in the last FOUR decades.

This is a mindboggeling development for which there is no real solution.


We Believe in Prevention Over Treatment

We are convinced that the only proven and viable long-term solution to replacing failing antibiotics is developing vaccines against drug-resistant bacteria.


Bacteria develop

resistance against antibiotics, NOT against effective vaccines.

They offer life-long protection.


to fight bacteria we need to activate the right parts of the immune system

Current adjuvants and immune modulators fail to induce the right type of immmune response.



Any vaccine formulations trialled so far,

failed to induce a potent Th17 response safely.

iuvantium has the technology to make the impossible possible.

our Technology

we developed a rationally designed and engineered inorganic precision immune modality

99% of vaccinology focuses on the antigen,

dismissing the fact that vaccines need adjuvants to be effective.

iuvantium is the only company to precisely engineer immunogenicity with our inorganic adjuvant platform.


The modality is disease and antigen agnostic.


It can be tailored to a specific pathogen, for a specific antigen, targeting a specific patient population.

our Process

our proprietary design and manufacturing process provides us with unprecendented control

iuvantium merges material science, translational immunology, and ML/AI,

to engineer precision immunology at the lowest cost and highest efficacy.

From design to product in only a few days.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Benjamin Franklin

if you are interested in learning more contact us at
